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Grand Jury Duty New York

Grand Jury Proceedings in New York: An Overview

Understanding the Role and Process

In New York, grand juries play a significant role in the criminal justice system, reviewing evidence and determining whether there is sufficient cause to indict individuals for alleged crimes.

Key Points to Remember

  • Grand juries are comprised of 16-23 individuals and are impaneled by superior courts.
  • They examine evidence presented by the prosecutor without determining guilt or innocence.
  • Their primary function is to assess whether there is enough evidence to warrant an indictment, the formal charge that initiates a criminal prosecution.

Grand Jury Procedures

Grand jury proceedings are governed by Article 190 of New York State law. The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Presentation of evidence by the prosecutor
  • Review of evidence and consideration of indictments
  • Deliberations and voting on whether to indict (a majority vote of 12 or more jurors is required)

Length of Service and Eligibility

Grand jurors serve for a term of four weeks. Individuals are selected from the same pool of potential jurors as trial jurors. To be eligible, individuals must:

  • Be U.S. citizens over 18 years of age
  • Reside in the designated county for at least six months
  • Meet certain language proficiency requirements

Importance of Grand Juries

Grand juries serve as an important safeguard for individuals accused of crimes, ensuring that they are not unjustly charged or prosecuted. They also play a vital role in the fair and impartial administration of justice in New York.
