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Air Travel Is Getting Safer Mit Study

Air Travel is Getting Safer: MIT Study

A new study by MIT researchers found

  • the commercial air travel fatality rate per billion passenger-miles has dramatically decreased since 2000.
  • In the world's top 57 countries, the fatality rate was 0.14 per billion passenger-miles in 2000. In 2019, it plummeted to 0.06 per billion passenger-miles
  • That means the risk of dying in a plane crash in 2019 was nearly 60% lower than it was in 2000.

Here are some of the reasons why air travel has become safer:

  • Improvements in aircraft design and maintenance
  • Better pilot training
  • More advanced air traffic control systems
  • Improved weather forecasting
  • Increased use of safety technologies, such as on-board flight recorders and satellite tracking

The study's authors say that their findings should help to reassure passengers that air travel is a safe mode of transportation.


Air travel is getting safer, and there are several reasons for this. Improvements in aircraft design and maintenance, better pilot training, and more advanced air traffic control systems have all contributed to making air travel safer than ever before.

According to the study, the commercial air travel fatality rate per billion passenger-miles has dramatically decreased since 2000. In the world's top 57 countries, the fatality rate was 0.14 per billion passenger-miles in 2000. In 2019, it plummeted to 0.06 per billion passenger-miles.

That means the risk of dying in a plane crash in 2019 was nearly 60% lower than it was in 2000.

The study's authors say that their findings should help to reassure passengers that air travel is a safe mode of transportation.
