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Grand Jury Duty

Grand Juries in New York City: A Comprehensive Overview

Understanding the Role and Function of Grand Juries

A grand jury is a legal body composed of laypeople responsible for determining whether there is sufficient evidence to indict an individual for a crime. In New York City, most cases bypass the grand jury hearing, and the prosecutor presents the case directly to a grand jury.

The Importance of Indictments

Grand jury indictments represent formal charges for felony cases. These indictments trigger an arraignment where the defendant faces the criminal charges.

Decision-Making Process of Grand Juries

The grand jury's decision is based on the evidence presented by the prosecution and the applicable law. Generally, the grand jury makes one of three possible decisions:

  • Indictment: The grand jury finds probable cause to believe the accused committed the crime and issues an indictment.
  • No True Bill: The grand jury does not believe there is sufficient evidence to indict and dismisses the case.
  • Dismissal: The case is dismissed due to insufficient evidence or other legal reasons.

Additional Resources

For further information, refer to the Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors from the United States Courts.
